For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Self Discovery

Okay. My eyes are trying to open up right now, Just got home an hour ago from a 2 hr documentary movie retreat called "Love yourself, Heal your life". I was supposed to be there at exactly 7pm but I got super lost, driving round and round within the vicinity. It took me 30 minutes to find the place. I guess I have to blame my GPS cause there is no one to blame except that device. :)

I was about to give up out of my frustration and just go home when I decided to just park my car and walk to try my luck; maybe just maybe this place Self Discovery Center will show up right in front of me. 

I think I didn't walk that far when I found it. It was a house. "Oh yeah I expected a building" Oh that's why.......

I was quite hesitant if I should knock the door or not cause it looks so quiet but I did knocked anyway, as if I have a choice? Well, actually I do, maybe run and never come back.  But I chose to follow my guts and knock the door. 

A guy opened the door for me and welcomed me warmly and I could tell from the door that I was at the right place, I could see the Movie that they were watching. ( cause I was there for that movie). 

I was whispering that I got lost and I was super sorry to interrupt. The guy just smiled and guided me to the chairs. 

I noticed there were only 3 of them who were watching and I was the 4th one. 3 women which includes myself and the guy. 

I wasn't able to start the movie, I only caught the part where a woman who have so much turmoil within herself walking going to the door and was hesitant whether to get out or not and right there and then, I saw myself through that woman. 

I got hooked up immediately. That movie was speaking to me. Every step of the process of the changes of her life that she went through, I felt it. 

The movie was about the healing process and loving ourselves and the power within us to step into the unknown. From I can't to I can and from fear to bravery.

At the end of the movie, I finally understood why I have to go through what I am going through now and the turmoil I went though the last couple of years. It opened my eyes that all along I have been walking in my spiritual journey for my own growth.

It was just so weird, I could feel my angels around me during that moment. I was aware of my own vibration and their vibration. I felt them watching with me.  

I've always been so sensitive but not like lately. Lately, their energies are more powerful. I can sense them around, watching me and just following me.

When the movie ended, the facilitator asked us if we enjoyed the movie. 

Out of nowhere, Unconsciously, I blurted it out " My angels brought me here." 

Before I left, the facilitator asked me to pick a card. The cards were scattered on the table. So I closed my eyes and picked one. 

This card was meant for me. My angels were sending me messages through this card. I don't know how to justify it, I don't even know how to explain it and the only thing that I can only understand is that they are guiding me and they are trying to let me know not to be afraid cause I am in a safe place. I am where I am cause I'm supposed to be here.

Spiritual growth is a long journey. Saying goodbye to my old life was painful but I have to continue walking, My life is not about my life anymore. I'm just following to where it takes me cause whatever future I would have, it's for God's greater purpose. 

My husband has it's own purpose too. Both of us were guided. In our separate lives, Maybe we have something important to do in the future.

Whatever it is, I am ready. 

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