Oh New York! I felt vitality, independence and womanhood in the city! I felt sense of freedom! The neurosis in the air, the jam of traffic, the high end buildings, the busyness of the street, the noises, the hustle bustle of the crowd, the food, it totally made me felt alive and empowered as a woman! Oh New York, I've never felt so beautiful until I had the chance to savor your glamorous beauty! You had so much power that lighted my being! It was the exact place where I wanted to be as a single beautiful woman! I totally love how emotional, irrational, and chaotic the city, it's a like great woman; full of life and total mystery!
It's the city where I can be frozen of my bliss and nobody would notice! I plunged into a tunnel under your city, with its lining pipes and wires, I was out of the womb and into the birth canal! I felt like I was born again into the most beautiful woman I could ever been! It is in the city where I can smell roses and decayed garbage at the same time yet I still find it extraordinary addicting! There is no place like yours with an atom of its glory, pride and exultancy, I grew drunk with ecstasy. It is such a beautiful catastrophe. Oh New York, you'd captive me, that I just wanted to keep walking down the ebb and flow of the street and feeling immaculately patchy flawless!
Oh, it made me revive that bliss delight of being in New York! Time to wake up from that lucid memory. I was invited to one of my best friend's wedding. I was super excited about it for I could finally felt that kind of joy and excitement that some people felt when they visit New York!
It wasn't just about the celebration of Love that I was excited for, it was also the re-connection and celebration of friendship that I was looking forward to.
It was such a delight when I saw one of my best friend back in my childhood years when I arrived in New York! It had been ton of years that we haven't seen each other, I had such ample fond memories with her. Both of us were so much alike back in the days, we were very ambitious little girls, that is why we got along so well because we shared so much imaginations in our poor little world and who could have thought that 20 years had passed, those formed thoughts of ours manifested and saw each other again not just in any place of the world but in NEW YORK!!! The land of beauty and ambition!!
Other than that, I was also able to re-connect and reunited with my best friends. I formed my friendship with them since the beginning of my life here in the states and that was 6 years ago, that foundation of friendship that we've built along the years have never faded away even though our lives have evolved, changed and separated in distance. It remained firmed and true, And, being reunited in New York brought so much happiness in me! Though, we haven't seen each other for awhile but nothing had changed! The die-hard-tummy silly shallow laughter was still there and the never-ending bickering, and of course, our love for each other was totally felt.

The most especial event is the celebration of Love!
I felt emotional watching Ate Beng married for who could have thought that her dream to marry the man of her dreams would ever come true! It took her quite a long time to find the man of her dreams. The single life she had enjoyed had finally reached its end. I was part of that story when Ate Beng was still alone, wishing and pondering of that unknown man if he ever existed and at the same time enjoying her independence and freedom.
I heard a story from her own lips that being single is not all the way fun, at some point in our life, we needed that someone who can complete us, the need to love and be loved. A backbone to share our happy and sad moments.
Ate Beng definitely had a lot of time to love herself, too much time! of course, it is the perks of being in a single world, and she did had the best single time of her life! She gave herself a lot of time to be available to her friends and family and devout her alone time loving God and building a foundation on her faith to him and gave most of her love and time to the people around her. She never wasted any bit of her time being bitter because her knight and shining armor got stuck in the heavy traffic. Instead; she used her time wisely to be the best woman she could be.
She was never desperate to find her true love; she waited patiently until Chris showed up on her doorstep! The perfect man, who appeared out of nowhere, and that man turned out to be her husband now, who will take care of her for the rest of her life!
God always has a perfect timing for everything because look at her; she is now a happy married bee! So women on their 40's who could not remember any more of how long they have been single, never lose hopes okay? This woman is a true testimony that you will get yours too as long you have the courage to wait and patient enough to trust God's way!
I tried to catch a flower from the bride but failed! Not my time yet! Lol
I had so much fun on the wedding.....
The housewives of Atlanta except myself strolled down the busy street of New York. While walking, these happily married women taught me that as long as you find that one man that really matches your happiness. You'll be truly blessed by a happy marriage! I see them as an inspirations; their husbands truly adore and love each one of them. Yeah, while they were in New York enjoying their space! The husbands were at home in Atlanta feeding their babies and being all supportive!
I wish one day; I could be in that place where they are in their lives, happy and contented of the family they had built for themselves! I could never forget that walk for they made me see the true value of what a family looks like for a true woman really means. I want to be a happy wife like them, A loving wife and a loving mother. In God's right time, hopefully, I will be as happy as they are, but, before I'll get there, I need to be like Ate Beng when she was still single! fix me and work on myself to be a wonderful woman so I can catch a wonderful man that would give me a wonderful home to be in that happiest place of my life!
As a single independent woman, I have truly learned what true happiness really entails in our lives. Single or married, I have learned that I must love myself first before I'll seek to love any man because If I want to be in that happily married category. I really need to know what I really want as a single person, how complete I am and what can make me truly happy because if I don't know those things, How can I extend that love to a man? or to anybody around who loves me?
Not only that, when you are truly happy within yourself. You'll never be desperate enough to find any man to fill that void in your life. You will have better judgement of who you allow to be with you. You'll never expect anything in life rather than just being yourself and being alone will never feel empty and lonely. Being happy within will guarantee you to be contented of what's already in your hand.
There are people that are meant to be single, but they are happy as can be because they already have found that love that they needed to find and that is the love they have for themselves. But of course, It's a totally different story when you have a partner whose there for you and loves you, it makes your world a beautiful place to live. However, Everything is always up to God because He is the only one who can give us that grace to find that one true love that will add color to our lives.
Oh, New York! Thank You for the incredible experience! I left my wishes in your city, and I felt so great for I am not expecting that those wishes will be granted, Yet, I believe and I have faith that those little wishes will touch me in ways that I would be able to make me happy!!!
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